Eli De Friend's Homepage

Thank-you for dropping in!

This web site is under redevelopment, after a few years of neglect. Some content is therefore inaccessible, while some links may lead nowhere.

To learn about my professional activities, please read my bio, detailed résumé or articles that I have published.

Joyce Miller and I are setting up a network for professionals in the area of Capacity Building.


If you are interested in renting a home in Spain, please click here.

My son Jeremy is becoming a fantastic Hip-Hop Singer and Dancer. Track his performance at http://www.defriend.com/jeremy


There is quite a movement on the web for users of social networking tools, such as FaceBook or MySpace,
 to be able to remove contacts who have fallen from grace, or, as the jargon puts it, to “defriend” them.
 On this site we want to create a community for the defriend tool.

To view the site map, please click here.

My Links Page site created: 19.11.2003

last update: 12.01.2008

Contacts: General Contact Information | Holiday home requests | Webmaster