What is LSP?

Using it

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. The theories of experiential learning are based on the work of John Dewey and Jean Piaget and expanded by David Kolb. His work on experiential learning has made broad contributions to expanding the philosophy of experiential education.

The Experiential Learning Cycle diagram shows how adults discuss (publish and process) their experiences to reinforce learning, before applying the newly gained knowledge and evaluating new experiences.


3-Dimensional, visual, tactile, verbal method


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when you can't put something into words, you can build it


In May 2010, the LEGO company formally announced the end of the business model it had introduced with the initial commercialisation of LSP, based on a network of licensed partners and its intention to move to an "Open Source" model. In this context, LEGO no longer offers any support to individuals or organisations using the methodology. This move has allowed practitioners to offer a wider range of services, including customised LSP-enabled activities, facilitator training, etc. The SeriousPlayPro.com community represents all those who have any interest in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology.

If you are interested in reading more about the methodology, please contact joyce@caprese.org. In the meantime, you may like to read LEGO's generic description of LSP (approx 35MB) for the open source community.

LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® - Implementation


  • enables us to build & demonstrate complex ideas
  • allows us to see new potential
  • we become attached to the things we make
  • Metaphors

  • help to make sense of difficult ideas &  concepts
  • establish a common language
  • helps us be understood by others
  • challenge existing assumptions & beliefs
  • Storytelling

  • natural method to inform, entertain, persuade
  • allow us to communicate more richly, more memorably
  • enable us to safely explore complex, dangerous topics
  • Imagination

  • stories develop as they are being told
  • listeners help create the story!