Who we are

  • Joyce Miller
  • Eli De Friend

    Complementary Information

    You can discover more about Joyce Miller's professional activities, by reading her résumé

    You can discover Joyce Miller's academic writing, in this selection of texts

    Take a look at Eli De Friend's professional profile



    Employment with CAPRESE

    CAPRESE Consulting is a partnership founded by Joyce Miller and Eli De Friend

    The fundamental values and principles on CAPRESE were developed by Joyce Miller and Eli De Friend in 2004. Finally, in June 2009, the "Capacity Building Resource Exchange - CAPRESE Sàrl" was formally registered in the "registre du commerce du canton de Vaud".

    Partners are selected for their adherence to CAPRESE's Vision, Mission and Values.

    We are currently interested in hearing from people with the following profiles:

    Rwanda International LTE

    Rwanda National LTE

    For an upcoming integrated programme in East and South-East Asia, greening the supply chain for a leading multi-national, we are currently interested in hearing from technical consultants with the capacity to provide training to staff of small and medium enterprises in the following areas:

    Discover who we are